+91 989 969 2790

Friendly Routes®

At INDIA CITY WALKS™, we believe in celebrating diversity and fostering an inclusive environment for everyone. As part of our commitment to creating unique and meaningful experiences, we are proud to offer curated tours that embrace and support the LGBTQ+ community. Our Friendly Routes® programs ensures that everyone, regardless of their background, can explore the rich cultural tapestry of India in a welcoming and safe environment.

India is a country with a profound heritage and a vibrant mix of cultures, traditions, and histories. While it has made significant strides towards acceptance and inclusivity, there is always more to learn and appreciate about the diverse communities that contribute to its rich cultural landscape. At INDIA CITY WALKS™, our mission is to offer experiences that not only highlight the beauty of India but also celebrate the diverse voices that make it truly unique.

At the heart of our initiative lies the philosophy of Friendly Routes®. We believe that travel should be a joyful and enriching experience for everyone. Our tours are crafted with care, ensuring that they are inclusive, respectful, and enriching. We work closely with local communities, experts, and activists to create safe and welcoming environments for all our guests. Friendly Routes® is not just a tagline; it’s our commitment to creating pathways of understanding, acceptance, and celebration. We aim to build bridges between diverse communities and foster a sense of belonging for everyone. Friendly Routes® is an intellectual property of INDIA CITY WALKS™, symbolizing our dedication to inclusivity and thoughtful travel.

Beyond our tours, INDIA CITY WALKS™ offers various opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community to engage, express, and share their stories. We provide platforms for local LGBTQ+ artists, performers, and storytellers to showcase their talents and perspectives. Our goal is to amplify diverse voices and create spaces where everyone’s story is heard and celebrated.

We invite you to join us on our Friendly Routes® and discover the magic of India through the lens of diversity and inclusion. Whether you are an ally or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, our tours promise to offer enriching experiences that celebrate the beauty of our differences and the strength of our unity. At INDIA CITY WALKS™, we are more than just a tour company – we are a community that values and celebrates every individual. Together, let’s explore, learn, and grow as we embrace the rich cultural mosaic that is India.

For more information about our Friendly Routes® and to book your next adventure with INDIA CITY WALKS™, contact us directly. Let’s walk together towards a future of inclusion and understanding.

Connect with us through email or give us a call +91 989 969 2790

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& showcase your city

If you are continuously seeking information about a place, acquiring in-depth knowledge about a craft, have an inquisitive mind and wish to interpret the recorded or oral sources of heritage and history – then join us in the mission to be the best ambassadors of our country’s heritage and legacy.